Time is flying by and we have been extremely busy. John finished up High School baseball with a solid year. His school won the Heritage Conference for the 1st time ever. Unfortunately, they lost in the first round of the district playoffs. John hit 2 home runs, 1 a grand slam, and had a sound year at 3rd base. Most memorable was a game winning squeeze bunt he put down in the bottom of the last inning. The opposing team never thought a 6'2" kid would be bunting. He has 2 weeks off before Legion ball starts. At his last home game, the boosters honor the seniors. At left, John and his very proud parents Blair shooting for his summer rifle team. Blair had another good year for his high school rifle team, once again qualifying for states. We didn't get a final ranking from the states but he was the top shooter from his school. He also has been shooting silhouette on Sundays and already has 3 weeks in his summer league. Now if we could only find enough ammo for him to practice... Below is Blair making his Confirmation. Pictured with him is Bishop Mark Bartchak. *************************************************************************************************************************************
Since this is a beagle site, I should put something on about the hounds. Spring could very well be my favorite time for running. The bucks are out and rabbits tend not to hole as quickly. Been working the young hounds hard but also finding time to run the adult packs as well.
January 2024