Well here it is August, and it's hard to believe how fast time is flying by. I am not a fan of summer and people think I'm nuts when I tell them I would rather have snow than this heat, but it is definitely true. The temperature hasn't been as bad the last couple days but the humidity makes the air thick. It has not been going below 70 at night so there is not much hope for the day ahead. Also the rain, we are topping our rain totals from last year's record breaking precip. Later in the week, the forecast is for nighttime temps in the 50s, which is always a good sign.
The females have been coming in heat and just as last year, it is a consecutive process rather than a concurrent process. One is coming out and another is coming in. At present we have 4 in season and the males are letting us know it. Duffy has been doing choir practice all night and Maury heads straight to the female run after eating to see if anything has made itself available. A couple more weeks and we will be done for a couple months (Uggh again!). I'll post a couple pics of hounds that came from our kennel. I love it when folks send us pics of hounds they have gotten from us or of their offspring. The progress reports and photos of them doing what they do, keep us going through the dog days when we can't run like we like. I will have more to write about these hounds in posts to come. Bring on foggy nights and cooler temps!
January 2024