It constantly amazes me how many people this website reaches. I have said before that many of Mike's acquaintances have reached out to me over the years and expressed their admiration and respect for him. Less frequently I get a comment from someone who wants to share a story of an encounter with Willet, some of these are rather entertaining (Uncle Vic). Back in October I received an email from a name I did not recognize. I opened the email and a smile instantly appeared on my face. The gentleman relayed to me that his grandfather was a friend of Willet and and was mentioned in Wilderness Patchwork. He told me of the 2 half breed Indians, Injun Jim and Injun George and George was his grandfather. He told me of his grandfather's "... HARD life in the brutal upstate weather but [George] lived a life most of can only dream of. He was a hunter, trapper and guide his whole life. Running dogs with Willet was a special time for him." George " lived in Indian Lake for most of his life had four daughters which my mother was the third. My mother left Indian Lake after graduation headed for Washington DC where she met my father and traveled the world. Here we are many years later and she is living down in Middle Georgia. George moved down here for the last few years and passed away at 88 in 1992." "I have lived all over the world and may be considered a Georgia boy now but every time I am in the Adirondacks I feel a certain kinship. Some of the most beautiful sights in America are there. I have several other pictures of the area up there and wildlife that my grandfather had, Deer, Lynx, Raccoons . To me they are the most fascinating scenes since most were taken in the 30’s and 40’s. Sometimes I get nostalgic about my grandfather and that had me browsing through Willets book where several of those photos were crammed. I appreciate your interest, I have never hunted with dogs but have a love for them. I do realize the magnitude of Willet and the Patch legacy. It is great that Willets’ envisioned lineage is still going through you. Please let me know if you are ever down this way" Gary According to Gary, the photo in Wilderness Patchwork says it is Injun Jim, it is actually his grandfather George.
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January 2024